Selamat datang di website Jurnal POLKESKA Bali. Website ini menggunakan platform Open Journal System versi 3. Saat ini POLKESKA Bali bekerja sama dengan beberapa institusi yang terdapat di Indonesia untuk mengelola jurnal-jurnal ilmiah. Hingga saat ini POLKESKA Bali mengelola jurnal di bidang Kebidanan, Rekam Medis, Pengabdian dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Promosi Kesehatan.

Berikut jurnal yang dikelola oleh POLKESKA Bali:
  • HOPE (The Journal of Health Promotion and Education)

    HOPE (The Journal of Health Promotion and Education) is a scholarly publication dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding in the fields of health promotion and education. Published regularly, HOPE serves as a platform for researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers to share their insights, experiences, and innovative approaches to promoting health and educating communities. The journal covers a wide range of topics related to health promotion and education, including but not limited to: Health behavior change interventions, Health communication strategies, Community health promotion initiatives, Health education programs, Public health campaigns, Health literacy and empowerment, Social determinants of health, Policy development and advocacy for health promotion, Evaluation and assessment of health promotion efforts, Health equity and social justice in health promotion

  • MAINTEKKES : The Journal of Management Information and Health Technology

    Maintekkes: Published since 2023 by Politeknik Kesehatan Kartini Bali. Maintekkes is published twice a year, in June and December. It contains articles that focus on the results of research in the field of health information management and technology. The editorial board invites academics, lecturers, and practitioners to submit their articles, which consist of the results of field research or literature reviews in accordance with the discipline and the provisions of our journal. The scope of disciplines includes Health Information Management, Electronic Health Record, Medical Record, Health Data Analytics, Health Financing System, Clinical Coding including Classification and Terminology, Healthcare Quality, Health Information and Communication Technology, and Health Information Systems.

  • Genitri: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Kesehatan

    Genitri: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Kesehatan is published twice a year (June and December) by the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Politeknik Kesehatan Kartini Bali. Genitri features community service outcomes. The editors invite relevant academics and practitioners (from Higher Education Institutions, Government, NGOs, etc.) to submit their articles to Genitri: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Kesehatan. To facilitate and expedite the review and editing process, we encourage authors to always follow the writing template and/or guidelines provided.

  • Jurnal Genta Kebidanan

    Jurnal Genta Kebidanan was published since 2014 with p-ISSN 2301-4296 (print) and e-ISSN 2541-0695 (online) since june 2018 by Akademi Kebidanan Kartini Bali. Since June 2020, Jurnal Genta Kebidanan was published by Politeknik Kesehatan Kartini Bali. Jurnal Genta Kebidanan publish twice a year, namely June and December. The editor invited academics, lecturers and practitioners to contribute their articles, consisting of the results of field research or literature reviews in accordance with the discipline and the provisions of our journal.  The scope of scientific disciplines includes Clinical midwifery, community midwifery, maternal and child health, maternal and child nutrition, adolescent health & nutrition, health promotion, health and midwifery services, health information systems, maternal and child health program, maternal and child health policy, woman Health throughout the life cycle.